Innovation and Sustainability in CNC Machinery

Green Solutions is our new eco-friendly line of peripherals designed specifically for CNC machinery. This line is part of the prestigious PERIFERIQ by HEMAQ brand, known for its commitment to innovation and operational excellence.

Commitment to the Environment

At PERIFERIQ by HEMAQ, we have a firm commitment to the preservation of the environment. We believe that sustainability and operational efficiency are not mutually exclusive, but can go hand in hand. That is why Green Solutions combines these two goals, offering products that minimize environmental impact without sacrificing performance.

Green Technology and Materials

Our products use environmentally friendly technologies and materials to reduce pollution and promote sustainable practices. Backed by more than three decades of industry leadership, HEMAQ has the experience and expertise to develop innovative solutions that meet market demands while contributing to environmental protection and conservation.

Advantages of Green Solutions

Green Solutions offers a number of significant benefits:

  • Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention: Our products help prevent heavy metal pollution, protecting both our customers and the environment.
  • Extended Service Life: Our cooling systems improve the service life of your machine.
  • Air Cleaning: Our Mist Collectors clean the air in your plant and production area, improving air quality and the health of your employees.
  • Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction: Our products support energy efficiency and waste reduction, which can result in significant long-term savings.

Education and Awareness

We believe that education and awareness are key to promoting sustainable practices. That's why we strive to inform our customers about the benefits of our green solutions and how they can contribute to a cleaner, healthier future.Green Solutions is more than a product line; it is a statement of our commitment to a sustainable future. We invite you to join us on this journey towards sustainability.


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